I spent time in early summer photographing Artosphere for the Walton Arts Center. It’s a community event that features music, visual arts, movement and events for kids and families. It’s really a neat experience, and it’s just one more thing that makes living in Northwest Arkansas so awesome. If you would like to read a little more about it, this link will take you to the WAC page. Mark it on your calendar for next year because it’s one event you don’t want to miss!
I covered several of the performances that took place during the event that spanned May and June including : The Trey McIntyre Project, Artosphere Celebration, Chapel Music Series at Thorncrown Chapel featuring Shannon Wurst, the Artosphere Festival Orchestra and the Tiny Concert Tours on the trail system in Fayetteville.
I really enjoyed wandering, watching and listening. Here are a few of my favorites…
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