Holiday Drinks – The Bourbon Photography Experiment

The holidays call for lots of time with family and friends, joy, cheer, and DRINKS! After a recent trip to the Bourbon Trail in Kentucky, I was inspired to take on a personal project researching, creating and photographing bourbon based drinks. This experiment couldn’t have come at a better time, the holiday season! It was both a tasty experience and one that caused me to think twice about how I could put a creative spin on photographing drinks.

Spiked Eggnog with peppermint on the rim of a clear glass. The glass is surrounded by red, gold and silver ornaments in front of a bright red background.

Though I have shot food and drinks for many years—working with many restaurants, bars, and commercial food companies—I wanted to experiment with how I capture drinks. 

After diving into research on crafting “the perfect cocktails,” I have not only made some tasty drinks but have explored their aesthetics. I’ve tapped into my inner bartender, testing out how to make the classic, crystal clear ice cube which is harder than you would imagine. It involves directional freezing, but we can get into that on a later blog post. Most don’t realize how something as simple as an ice cube can have such a major effect on the appearance of a drink but it matters, especially in the world of advertisement. The talent and finesse involved in the making of these drinks took me by surprise. This reiterated the importance of being sure to pay close attention to the bartender’s art work when shooting, for the photo is my art but the drink is theirs.  

The details that go into capturing the flavor and essence of these beverages has been a rewarding experience and one that I feel is making me a better photographer even after years of experience. In this round of experiments I made a Spiked Eggnog with a Cardamom Simple Syrup, Irish Whiskey (hot and iced) and a twist on a Mimosa making it bright green, just like the Grinch. If you are looking for a new drink to add to your holiday menu check out these recipes. They are the perfect drinks to sip on whether it’s for a holiday party with friends, a sparkle of spirit on Christmas Eve, or a drink to share on Christmas day with your closest family. Trust me, you will not be disappointed!

Spiked EggNog

4 large egg yolks

3 ½ oz Cardamom Simple Syrup (*recipe below)

3 ½ oz heavy cream

17 oz whole milk

3 ½ – 5 oz bourbon or whiskey

1 Tablespoon vanilla

Pinch of cinnamon to garnish

Add the egg yolks and syrup to a blender and whizz for 2 minutes or until pale. Add the cream, milk, whiskey and vanilla and blend again for a few seconds. Strain into a glass over ice and add a pinch of cinnamon as garnish. For a fun twist, add crushed peppermint to the rim of the glass. *The recipe calls for double cream, which has more fat content and is thicker than heavy cream. Using heavy cream makes the consistency thin and more like milk than a thick eggnog.

Cardamom Syrup

7 oz water

3 ½ oz granulated sugar

8-10 cardamom pods, smashed lightly so the pod breaks open 

2 cinnamon sticks

1 teaspoon corn syrup

Boil the water in a non-stick saucepan and gently add the sugar, cardamom and cinnamon sticks. Turn down the head and stir constantly for 3-5 minutes until all of the sugar is dissolved. Turn off the heat and leave to cool. While the syrup is still runny, pour it into a jar or bottle and add the teaspoon of corn syrup to help keep the consistency smooth. Will keep for up to 6 weeks in the refrigerator.

Irish Coffee

2 oz Irish Whiskey

5 oz hot coffee

1 tablespoon of dark muscovado sugar

1 ¾ heavy cream

Add the whiskey, coffee and sugar to the mug and stir until the sugar is dissolved. Add cream to taste.

For iced coffee, substitute the hot coffee with my favorite cold brew coffee below.

Cold Brew Recipe

1 ½ Cups whole coffee beans

Coarsely grind the coffee beans and transfer to a 1.5 liter jar with a lid. Add 6 cups of water and put the lid on. Gently shake the jar to saturate the grounds and allow the coffee to steep for at least 12 hours. Line a strainer with a cheesecloth and place in a large bowl. Pour the coffee through the strainer and discord the grounds. Rinse out the jar and return the cold brew to the jar.

Sweet Cream Foam (individual serving)

1 oz heavy cream

dash of vanilla

1 Teaspoon of powdered sugar

Add the cream to a tall mug and mix with the milk frother. Before it gets too think, add vanilla and sugar.

Grinch Mimosa

3 oz orange juice

½ oz blue curacao liqueur

Champagne to taste

Add the orange juice and blue curacao to champagne flutes and then top with champagne. Options for holiday fun – fill ornaments with premeasured orange juice and blue curacao, and garnish the glass rims with red, edible glitter. You can find the ornaments on sites like

If you have a food or beverage product or project, please reach out and let’s chat about working together!

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