Places and Things 2014 – Arkansas Photographer

For the November 2014 issue of Money Magazine. The Mildred B. Cooper Memorial Chapel on Wednesday, Oct. 1, 2014, in Bella Vista, Ark. The chapel was designed by E. Fay Jones and constructed in 1988. Photo by Beth Hall (Beth Hall)

I really enjoy end of the year recaps. It gives me a chance to really look at my past year of work and see where I improved and where I need to work harder. I get a chance to see if I accomplished personal goals and set new goals for my work. I love photography because it is a constant learning process. I have been shooting for 15 years, and I am learning more and more everyday. It never gets old, it is never the same and I absolutely love it!

The images in this gallery are a mix of work from 2014 that includes: interior photography, personal work and a few images from editorial assignments.

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