Capturing Nature’s Beauty at Lake Fayetteville and My Sunroom Birdhouse: A Wildlife Photography Adventure

Who would’ve thought Lake Fayetteville could look so beautiful? While I was out there shooting for the Solar Splash event, I stumbled upon an unexpected subject—a tiny little guy who caught my eye. He was so small, yet stood out against the backdrop of the lake’s shimmering waters. It’s moments like these that remind me why I love nature and wildlife photography so much. Capturing the delicate details of this little creature made for a truly unique experience, one that added to the thrill of the shoot.

But that wasn’t the end of my wildlife adventure for the day. Back home, I’ve been keeping an eye on a very special project—there’s a birdhouse attached to the window of my sunroom, and it has become home to a family of Carolina Wrens. I think there are about three baby wrens nestled inside, but counting them has been tricky! The birdhouse has a really cool design, with a plexiglass back that attaches directly to the window. This has given me the perfect vantage point to peek in and observe the birds as they grow.

For weeks, I’ve been checking in on the nest, but the baby birds were so small that they were hard to see at first. Now that they’ve gotten a bit bigger, I finally had a chance to photograph them. It was a bit of a challenge, though, given the small opening I had to shoot through. To get the best lighting, I set up my second light inside the house and shot from outside the window. It felt like a mini wildlife photo studio!

It was a fun shoot overall, but not without its surprises. The mother bird, protective of her little ones, wasn’t too thrilled about my presence. She started dive-bombing my head, trying to chase me off! While it added a little bit of excitement to the session, I made sure to give her space and finish my shots quickly.

Capturing moments like these, whether it’s out by the lake or right in my own backyard, is what makes wildlife photography so rewarding. It’s always an adventure, and you never know what you’ll come across—tiny creatures in unexpected places, or baby birds growing right outside your window.




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Lori Wymanreply
June 22, 2008 at 2:31 am

i just have to say that I stumbled across your blog and your pictures are wonderful.. especially like the one of the little boy mowing the lawn in his pajama top & boots.. Too cute…

June 22, 2008 at 10:34 pm

I really like the last photo, it looks like the baby bird had a rough night out, kinda razzed up.

I had baby birds in a nest on the rain gutter on my front porch but they flew the coop before I got around to shooting them (with my camera, of course).

My Storybook Ladyreply
June 25, 2008 at 3:24 am

Hi Beth, I also came across your blog just surfing through. Your photos are amazing!!!

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